Quite often it is necessary for keeping your relations with habitual partner, having pleasures of some other kind and een making a regular sex a real gift.
There are quite many ways to refresh your sexual life. The most important is to choose the way that will fit your couple.
IT’s better to start with visiting a sexshop. The most of people has a stereotype about assortment of such shops. And it’s wrong. You will find there goods that meet different tastes.
These goods can be divided in different groups:
Sex-cosmetics, that will be adored by almost everybody. You can start with famous essential oils, aphrodisiac, products with pheromones.
Aromatherapy is a very strong and effective means. Sometimes you can’t understand what is the reason of down in sex? IT can be the answer. A fitting aroma, oil and essential oil will change your opinion to sex. By the way, in Europe massage oil become more and more popular, they lead to blood influx to skin and make feelings of touches stronger.

Sometimes porn movies and crazy erotic lingerie make miracles. As for your looks you can buy suits for roleplays and embody interesting partner’s fantasies. You can be a nurse, a stewardess or a queen. Clothes will help you to become absolutely different person. You will be surprised by your ability to be an actress. Fantasies at their peak, rising arousal and all boundaries broken – what else do you need for great sex?
For hot and brave experiments you can buy sex-toys (artificial genitals, different vibrators, stimulators and vacuum massagers). For using these toys you must know your body and wishes. And also you must learn how they work and what effect they can have. Your efforts will be rewarded! You will open new dimensions of sensitivity and will reach peaks of pleasure.

And a little bit psychology. When do you need to think about bringing something new in your sexual life? As a rule it happens when sex becomes routine and looks like more an obligation than passion as beforehand. But it’s always like this, maybe it’s just a phase when you both calm down and after it your sexual activity will be restored again. A good sincere conversation with your lover will help you to learn the true reasons.